Right now I am about to start the fourth week of Quarantine due to COVID-19.
The youth pastor at our church asked several of the youth leaders if we would do a 3 minute devotional for the students. I did one, and I thought I would just share it here for you. Below the video I’m adding a few more comments that may be helpful
Work: Produces something and benefits someone.
Examples (besides the things people do where they get paid by an employer or someone else for doing):
- Chores – whether you are asked to do them, or you do them because they are needed.
- Homework/schoolwork – you probably didn’t want to do it, but it produces a grade that should benefit you (hopefully) 🙂
- Serving – even at church – I suppose you might categorize serving as an act of worship, which is fine, but if we are honest, serving can be hard, and sometimes not what we wanted to do. But, it does produce something and benefit someone.
My point about what is neither work or rest is also important. There are simply things that are vital to life: eating, exercising, sleeping for instance. God clearly does not tell us we can only sleep one day a week. That isn’t the type of rest he was talking about on the Sabbath.
Similarly, reading the bible, praying, and worshiping God are vital to our life. They are not work. Well, you might say, well don’t you benefit when you read the Bible. Yes, but I also benefit when I eat and drink and sleep. This is a benefit that is vital to my existence. Therefore, I would not say that is “work”.
And, I love how Jesus covered the topic of the Sabbath in Mark 2 when he said:
27 Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”
I pray you pick up the heart of what this devotion is about.
Work and rest are not the totality of life. God does say that we should have more work than rest, which does not make work more important, or rest less important. I think God just knows how we are designed.
Please take care of yourself. I love and miss you, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Love and blessin’s,
Flatland Dave