We are moving to Bangalore!

A few years ago I had the pleasure to travel to Bangalore, India for work. While there, I took a day trip to Nandi Hills. It was an awesome experience. Looking back through pictures I found the picture above. I saw that mound of dirt. I made a few calls, and we are purchasing it tomorrow. We will build our house right on top of that mound.

Over the last week my wife and I have sold our new home. I will quit my job today. Our cars are for sale. We are selling everything we have. That mound of dirt is worth everything. It’s beautiful.

Continue reading “We are moving to Bangalore!”

When will God answer?

The people of Israel went 400 years without a new message from God. During that time their entire culture became engulfed in the Roman world. They longed for God to do something. Doesn’t God see? Doesn’t God care? Why was God silent?
Continue reading “When will God answer?”

It is not too much for a King

Do you have children? How about teenagers? Have your children ever disobeyed? Have you? I know that I have.

My wife and I have three amazing kids. I look back over the 18 years of parenting and I can see things I wish I would have done differently. There are also a few things we did with all of our children that I would do again. Here is one of them, and it relates to God’s Kingdom. Continue reading “It is not too much for a King”

Thy Kingdom come!

“What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Kingdom’?” was a question at one of our recent family discussions. The  answers were intriguing.

Castles; King and Queen; Royalty; Army; Moat; Dragons; were a few of the answers. My favorite answer: “People”. I like this answer because it gets right to the heart of everything. The Kingdom is about people. What I love even more is that the Kingdom of God is available to ALL people.

Continue reading “Thy Kingdom come!”

The Kingdom is yours!

One of the most popular sections of the “Sermon on the Mount” is at the beginning, known as the beatitudes. This is where Jesus identifies different people who are blessed. Two of the beatitudes specifically identify people in seemingly undesirable situations and calls these people blessed because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them. Continue reading “The Kingdom is yours!”

The cure for anxiety, stress and worry!

It always seems the holidays bring on a new level of stress and worry. Afterwards, many experience a different kind of stress as they decide if this year will be the year they finally make “the change”. Some go back to work and it seems everyone waited until after the holidays to bring the problems in. Either way, if you are human, you know some level of stress, worry, or anxiety.

The most famous sermon ever, the “Sermon on the Mount”, is captured in Matthew chapters 5-7. It takes about 15 minutes to read and is filled with simple and deep truths for all people. The Kingdom of God is mentioned eight times in this relatively short sermon. The famous book by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “The Cost of Discipleship” (Nachfolge), is an excellent exposition of the Sermon on the Mount.

Continue reading “The cure for anxiety, stress and worry!”

2018 Focus – Seek First the Kingdom

In each of our 2017 family meetings we would read Psalm 27. The core of this Psalm is to have a singular focus on seeking God.

For 2018 we will continue our practice of turning to the Bible and seeking God during our family meetings. Our primary focus will be to “seek first the kingdom” from Matthew 6:33. Since this will be the focus for my home, my posts through 2018 will align with this as well. Continue reading “2018 Focus – Seek First the Kingdom”