I would like to thank my beautiful and patient wife for taking time to film me ride on my birthday. She did awesome!
Love and Blessin’s,

I would like to thank my beautiful and patient wife for taking time to film me ride on my birthday. She did awesome!
Love and Blessin’s,
I also pray you and yours are staying safe and well in this time!
Just wanted to give you a link to this text Proverbs 17:24, or even to Proverbs.
Love and blessin’s,
Flatland Dave
Continue reading “How incremental change can transform your relationship with God and others!”
Over the last week my wife and I have sold our new home. I will quit my job today. Our cars are for sale. We are selling everything we have. That mound of dirt is worth everything. It’s beautiful.
My wife and I have three amazing kids. I look back over the 18 years of parenting and I can see things I wish I would have done differently. There are also a few things we did with all of our children that I would do again. Here is one of them, and it relates to God’s Kingdom. Continue reading “It is not too much for a King”
Castles; King and Queen; Royalty; Army; Moat; Dragons; were a few of the answers. My favorite answer: “People”. I like this answer because it gets right to the heart of everything. The Kingdom is about people. What I love even more is that the Kingdom of God is available to ALL people.