I never expected a pandemic

Seven weeks of quarantine because of a pandemic has given me a new perspective on some things I have never noticed before, especially in the Scriptures.
  • Adam was initially alone, and God said “it is not good.” – I pray for my single friends who may feel alone in this time. Please reach out. We know this isn’t good.
  • Noah and his family spent a year on the ark in quarantine – eight people in a boat for a year, without cards, board games, phones, neighborhood walks, zoom.
  • The plagues in Egypt – I have a new appreciation for how they must have felt on those nights when they had to stay inside, wondering if the plague would get them.
  • Elijah hiding from Jezebel – how quickly I can think that I’m the only one left.
  • Jesus 40 days of temptation in the wilderness – this time of quarantine has opened doors of temptation that were closed when more options existed.

We know that plagues have and will come upon the earth. History has shown us and the Bible has confirmed this. Even still, I have found myself saying, “But I didn’t think it would happen in my time.” It seems odd to think like that given the historical and biblical promises. I guess I’ve been naive to this reality.

I didn’t think it would happen in my time.

The opening words of Psalm 91 have been a great comfort to me in this time. I should note that this Psalm was likely written by Moses who understood plagues and pestilence.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.  Psalm 91:1-3

I think this passage tells us where to “shelter in place”. It tells us the specific location to quarantine during a time of pestilence, or even when you are being tracked down by an enemy.  This text points us to find shelter in God’s protective shadow. God is a welcoming refuge to those in danger, and He has a secure fortress for us.

There are so many opinions right now about the COVID-19 pandemic. Some want to quickly get back to “normal”, others want to stay sheltered until this passes. Some believe this is a hoax while others believe it is worse than the government and media are presenting. Some think this will essentially be like the flu while others believe this will be a recurring plague with much more severe implications. Other debates are: inside only or primarily inside, mask or no mask, vaccine or no vaccine (or no vaccine until it’s been tested), or whether the President told people to drink bleach. It truly is interesting times.

Honestly, I think depending on the day, I’m not sure where I stand on each of these debates. But, I know this, the Lord is my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

Trust our deliverer.

Father, help us make our home in Your presence. Cover us with safety. May we lead others into Your shelter also, where they can find You. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

Love and blessin’s,

